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Can things go wrong with Invisalign?

Invisalign has become a popular option for adults seeking to straighten their teeth. However, this treatment is not without its drawbacks. This article will cover some of the most common disadvantages of invisalign. One of the biggest invisalign disadvantages is that you must remove them when eating or drinking. This can reduce your food intake and may lead to weight loss.

1. Discomfort

While Invisalign is not as painful as braces, it can cause discomfort for some patients. This is because your teeth are shifting as you wear each new set of trays. This can lead to pain and sensitivity in your teeth, which should subside after a short period of time. You can mitigate this by using toothpaste that is designed for sensitive teeth.

Also, since the aligners must be removed when eating, patients can end up consuming less food as they work through the treatment. This can lead to weight loss.

Additionally, it is important to note that Invisalign may not be as effective for certain types of tooth and bite misalignment issues. You should discuss this with your orthodontist before committing to the treatment.

2. Change in oral hygiene

Oral hygiene becomes more important than ever with Invisalign treatment. If food particles get stuck between your teeth and the aligners, they can promote plaque, tooth decay, and bad breath. To avoid this, brush your teeth twice a day and use floss to remove any leftover food particles from tight spaces that can’t be reached with your toothbrush.

It is also a good idea to add mouthwash to your daily routine to kill bacteria and freshen your breath. Make sure to wash your hands before touching the aligners, and keep them in a case when not wearing them to prevent them from getting lost or damaged.

Wearing aligners may cause you to eat less often, which can lead to weight loss and healthier eating habits. However, it may be difficult to say goodbye to your favorite snacks and drinks!

3. Embarrassment

Many adults feel self-conscious when they wear braces, especially metal ones. Invisalign, on the other hand, offers a more discreet treatment. It’s a great option for people who want to straighten their smile while maintaining their professional and social appearance.

Unlike traditional braces, Invisalign clear aligners blend in with your teeth and are practically undetectable to others. This feature makes the treatment more attractive to patients who are concerned about their appearance during orthodontic treatment.

Invisalign also doesn’t have any complex parts that can get food stuck in them, like the brackets and wires of traditional braces. That’s good news for adults who love to eat and don’t want to spend their entire treatment avoiding certain foods. However, there are a few instances in which the treatment can affect your speech and make it difficult for you to pronounce certain words.

4. Time

As a treatment, Invisalign is fairly fast to complete, but it does require a lot of dedication and discipline. Each set of trays is worn for about a fortnight, and you will need to swap them out regularly (and clean them frequently) to make sure the process moves forwards.

On average, it takes around 12 to 18 months for an Invisalign treatment to get your teeth straightened and your bite into a more ideal state. But this is an estimate and can vary depending on the complexity of your case and your specific needs.

For example, younger patients might see quicker results because their bones and teeth are more receptive to the treatment. Other factors, like patient compliance and the use of attachments, can also impact the length of your Invisalign treatment.

5. Cost

While Invisalign is significantly cheaper than traditional braces, the overall cost of the treatment may still be an obstacle for some patients. It is important to discuss costs and benefits with an orthodontist to ensure the best results for your individual situation.

Another downside of Invisalign is the increased cost and time associated with daily cleaning. Trays must be cleaned thoroughly at least twice a day to prevent odors and to remove food trapped between the brackets or wires. Brushing and flossing are also more difficult with Invisalign, which can lead to bad breath or gum disease.

Additionally, if patients do not wear the trays as recommended (on average 22+ hours per day), they will not see the same results as those who follow through. This can be frustrating to those who invested in the aligners and aren’t seeing results.

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